Monday 2 September 2013

Storify and Science Journalism

For university this semester we were required to write and publish an article on a science topic of our choosing. Below is the story I created.

This link takes you to an analysis of the program Storify that I used to create the story.
Happy blogging!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

How I survived a heart break

There is no doubt that the world is becoming more connected. In a modern world the phrase "time heals all wounds" is no longer applicable.
Time from what, exactly?
How can you check out of a relationship when you are connected by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you know their mobile number off by heart, you remember their username on forums and you have mutual friends uploading photos with your ex in them. It has become almost impossible to move on from a relationship without having to have the gut wrenching "what if..." moments and relive the break up every time their cyber presence pops up into your online newsfeed. 
Over a month ago now, what I thought was the inconceivable happened to me. My partner and best friend of almost 5 years woke up one day and decided he did not love me anymore. He had dealt with the end of the relationship before I even knew their were issues, and my attempts to analyse and understand the situation proved futile. I lost my home, my heart and my self for the 2 weeks that followed. I went through a constant battle with myself, feeling helpless, insecure, alone and worthless. Getting through each day in initial 2 weeks was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.
A friend of mine explained one especially dark day, that "it is not time that heals us, it's great friends". He was, as my friends usually are, right.
By surrounding myself with people who loved me for who I was, I discovered some things about myself I had forgotten, or maybe never even learned. The most important of which, why would I long for someone who does not appreciate me for who I am, who resented me for my passions and successes, and who left me feeling so emotionally drained and vulnerable for nothing? In a one sided relationship I lost sight of who I was and who I wanted to become. I sacrificed so much for someone who did not want to sacrifice any, and left people who genuinely cared about me as a second consideration when they were and have always been the supporting, loving foundation of my life. My friends are my lifeblood, they challenge me, encourage me, entertain me and wonder me. They are loves of mine that will last a lifetime.
A different friend of mine quoted something I had said to her many years ago back to me. Sometimes things need to fall completely apart in order to make room for something even more amazing.
And I have found something amazing. I have found myself.
I'm not writing this in order to blame or argue. I am writing this for my own clarity and closure. I loved the time I spent in love with the boy who captured my heart when I was 16. He is, however, no longer that boy. And I am no longer 16. The more time that passes, the more it is obvious that we will never be the same again. That is something that used to terrify me. Today, it excites and thrills me.
I love me. I am happy. I am loved.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Long time, no type...

Now before you say anything, I know it's been a long time. I'm sorry I didn't call - I just got caught up in life, the universe and everything. Please, let me explain...

I'm going into my second year of university at UQ in Brisbane this Monday and I am very excited to be going back to studying! Since I left you last, I finished semester 1, began and completed semester 2, I moved house, my sister became engaged, my uncle got married, my brother won a Gold Medal and I completed several things from my bucket list travelling to London in September (...yeah, there is more to that story), I worked full time for a while during these Summer holidays, and then upon returning to casual work with nothing else driving me I can safely say...I CAN'T WAIT FOR MONDAY! 

Now, having experienced a boredom and lust for knowledge like never before, I will write some back posts about my adventures while keeping you up to date with how things this year is going now that we've survived the 2012 Apocalypse together. I promise to keep my mind a wit fresh (although they both need some sharpening at the moment).

Thanks Daemion, for nagging me to get back into the habit. Just like an artist will draw, I have to write every day to get better.
Oh, did I mention Daemion's art is amazing? you really should check it out...

Keep your eyes and ears open for a Paramore review sometime this weekend!

