Wednesday 5 February 2014

Emmerleener is changing platforms!

Hey All!

Just an update to let you all know I am know going to be blogging from!

Head on over to and start reading!

Happy Blogging Everyone!

Monday 2 September 2013

Storify and Science Journalism

For university this semester we were required to write and publish an article on a science topic of our choosing. Below is the story I created.

This link takes you to an analysis of the program Storify that I used to create the story.
Happy blogging!

Tuesday 6 August 2013

How I survived a heart break

There is no doubt that the world is becoming more connected. In a modern world the phrase "time heals all wounds" is no longer applicable.
Time from what, exactly?
How can you check out of a relationship when you are connected by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, you know their mobile number off by heart, you remember their username on forums and you have mutual friends uploading photos with your ex in them. It has become almost impossible to move on from a relationship without having to have the gut wrenching "what if..." moments and relive the break up every time their cyber presence pops up into your online newsfeed. 
Over a month ago now, what I thought was the inconceivable happened to me. My partner and best friend of almost 5 years woke up one day and decided he did not love me anymore. He had dealt with the end of the relationship before I even knew their were issues, and my attempts to analyse and understand the situation proved futile. I lost my home, my heart and my self for the 2 weeks that followed. I went through a constant battle with myself, feeling helpless, insecure, alone and worthless. Getting through each day in initial 2 weeks was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life.
A friend of mine explained one especially dark day, that "it is not time that heals us, it's great friends". He was, as my friends usually are, right.
By surrounding myself with people who loved me for who I was, I discovered some things about myself I had forgotten, or maybe never even learned. The most important of which, why would I long for someone who does not appreciate me for who I am, who resented me for my passions and successes, and who left me feeling so emotionally drained and vulnerable for nothing? In a one sided relationship I lost sight of who I was and who I wanted to become. I sacrificed so much for someone who did not want to sacrifice any, and left people who genuinely cared about me as a second consideration when they were and have always been the supporting, loving foundation of my life. My friends are my lifeblood, they challenge me, encourage me, entertain me and wonder me. They are loves of mine that will last a lifetime.
A different friend of mine quoted something I had said to her many years ago back to me. Sometimes things need to fall completely apart in order to make room for something even more amazing.
And I have found something amazing. I have found myself.
I'm not writing this in order to blame or argue. I am writing this for my own clarity and closure. I loved the time I spent in love with the boy who captured my heart when I was 16. He is, however, no longer that boy. And I am no longer 16. The more time that passes, the more it is obvious that we will never be the same again. That is something that used to terrify me. Today, it excites and thrills me.
I love me. I am happy. I am loved.

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Long time, no type...

Now before you say anything, I know it's been a long time. I'm sorry I didn't call - I just got caught up in life, the universe and everything. Please, let me explain...

I'm going into my second year of university at UQ in Brisbane this Monday and I am very excited to be going back to studying! Since I left you last, I finished semester 1, began and completed semester 2, I moved house, my sister became engaged, my uncle got married, my brother won a Gold Medal and I completed several things from my bucket list travelling to London in September (...yeah, there is more to that story), I worked full time for a while during these Summer holidays, and then upon returning to casual work with nothing else driving me I can safely say...I CAN'T WAIT FOR MONDAY! 

Now, having experienced a boredom and lust for knowledge like never before, I will write some back posts about my adventures while keeping you up to date with how things this year is going now that we've survived the 2012 Apocalypse together. I promise to keep my mind a wit fresh (although they both need some sharpening at the moment).

Thanks Daemion, for nagging me to get back into the habit. Just like an artist will draw, I have to write every day to get better.
Oh, did I mention Daemion's art is amazing? you really should check it out...

Keep your eyes and ears open for a Paramore review sometime this weekend!



Monday 9 July 2012

'The Amazing Spider-Man' Really is Amazing

Today I went with a friend to see the new Marc Webb reboot of the Spider-Man series - The Amazing Spider-Man. Currently falling short of the first film in the previous series, Spider-Man (earned $821,708,551 in box office total), The Amazing Spider-Man sits on $341,600,000 as of 8th July, setting a new record for a Tuesday opening previously held by Transformers (2007).

While reviews swing back and forth on preferences between the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films vs Andrew Garfield in the new adaption of The Amazing Spider-Man, I and all for the new adaption in more ways than one.  

I'll try to keep it as spoiler-free as possible!

The biggest criticism that The Amazing Spider-Man seems to be receiving is repetition of plot. Now, I can see where reviewers are coming from, but I also ask the question - what did you expect? Of course the reboot of a series is going to start again with the origins of the superhero - this includes being bitten by the spider (duh) and Uncle Ben still needs to die (no matter how much we love Martin Sheen). I do think Marvel and Marc Webb have completely aced it this time around. The story is much closer to the original comics (aside from Gwen knowing who Spider-Man is early on), we have insight to Spider-Man's parents and the mystery surrounding their disappearance and just how it affected Peter Parker - plus it's modernized: Peter has to deal with bullying (on both ends) and lets face it - he's freaking good looking.

Andrew Garfield's performance as Spider-Man is charismatic, funny and believable. And he lets Peter Parker's intelligence shine through, something we only saw snippets of in the previous series. Emma Stone as Gwen Stacey is completely exhilerating. There were moments I wished I was the one taking her out, completely mesmerized by her smile, eyes and voice. Combined, the chemistry is undeniable, with Andrew admitting in interviews the hardest part of filming was the romance scenes with Stone, as she was in his words: terrifying. It's easy to see how the two became a couple in real life.

 Garfield put his heart and soul into this movie, and you can see it on screen. Skateboarding was added into the script due to Garfield's input, and a whole scene involving a carjacking and Spider-Man taunting was included as Garfield remembered as a kid how important the humour and wit was of the original comics. "That was a fun night, because it was all improvised and free. There was nothing scripted about that. That was awesome." To me, that was the biggest problem with the old series of Spider-Man movies - it took itself way too seriously. And by the time they really got a feel of Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man in the 3rd movie - the maze of story lines just created a headache for viewers rather than an enjoyable experience.

Instead of being just another superhero movie, The Amazing Spider-Man is a film that deals with acceptance of change, of being lost and found and overcoming struggles in the face of adversity. As Uncle Ben says, "with great power comes great responsibility", and this film embodies this entirely. 
I can honestly say there was no point I was bored (like other Marvel movies that have been released the past few years), and I even shed a tear or two. Again, Garfield and Stone were absolute perfect casting!

A great movie for all ages, 2012 really seems to be the year of the Superheros!

Thursday 14 June 2012

Ten Reasons I Love Audrey

Walk in to my aparment and you will see a huge Audrey Hepburn portrait sitting right by my dining table. Go by the kitchen and each month you are greeted with a different image of the beautiful Audrey. Meander into my bedroom and the shimmering eyes of Audrey watch over you as you rest. Open my mind and you'll witness my thoughts of my icon Audrey racing around, and if you open up my heart I like to imagine you'd find the same love that was in Audrey's heart while she was alive. Finally, if the name of my late cat, Audrey, didn't give my poker face away...I wholeheartedly adore Audrey Hepburn.

Now, here's why:

1. She's a style icon - considered by Evian as "the most beautiful woman of all time," despite being so different from the heartthrobs of Marilyn Monroe and Kim Novak, Audrey's style was that of femininity and simplicity. Hepburn once said, "What is more beautiful than a simple sheath made an extraordinary way in a special fabric, and just two earrings?". While in her movies she was often seen in elegant gowns, Audrey always opted for what she felt comfortable in.

2. She broke free from traditional concepts of 'Beauty' - her malnourished figure, thick brown eyelashes and absolutely massive eyes led Audrey to become an icon for those of us who do not have the sultry curves of Miss Monroe. Audrey was also open about her own opinions of beauty, even admitting to feelings "of insecurity and inferiority." Most importantly, she left us with this gem of a quote: "For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

3. Moon River in Breakfast at Tiffany's - a hauntingly beautiful performance that always wants me to start a new journey of my own.

4. Humanitarianism - an ambassador for UNICEF, Audrey devoted so much of her life to helping those in need, being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1992.

5. Independent Woman - while she was with a few men in her life time, Audrey Hepburn was not defined by them. She made a career on her own, was an ambassador due to her own beliefs, and you remember her for the good things she achieved in life, not a scandal with the president...

6. Not defined by her past - her childhood was spent in the German occupied Arnhem during WWII witnessing "trainloads of Jews being transported, seeing all these faces over the top of the wagon". Yet, through mulnutrition and respiratory problems, Audrey kept composure and never let these experiences define her. Instead she used it to fuel her passion for helping others, and inspired millions around the world.

7. Portrayed strong female women - like her real life, Audrey accepted roles that (for the time) portrayed amazing female characters dealing with real issues (for the most part). Holly Golightly deals with self worth and inner demons, Princess Ann falls in love for love not a title, Audrey was careful of which rolls she accepted once she reached stardom. Her film "The Children's Hour" was one of the first ever films treating what was then dubbed 'lesbianism'.

8. Introvert - she has admitted that playing an extrovert in Holly Golightly was the hardest thing she has ever done. Not only that, but Audrey preferred the company of her family and close friends to that of Hollywood parties and lifestyle. "I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky". As an introvert myself, I relate wholeheartedly.

9. Incredibly humble - "If my world were to cave in tomorrow, I would look back on all the pleasures, excitements and worthwhilenesses I have been lucky enough to have had. Not the sadness, not my miscarriages or my father leaving home, but the joy of everything else. It will have been enough". Need I say more?

10. Stayed true to her own values - as her life continued on, her heart only grew bigger. Audrey sold many of her own personal belongings to donate to charities and never made her humanitarian work into a press release. In her dying days, Audrey spent time surrounded by family in the privacy of her own home surrounded by the love of a whole world. Audrey never turned her back on what she believed was right, and fought for human rights until her dying day.

If you need more reasons to love Audrey Hepburn as much as I do, I will gladly take you to lunch and talk about how the words and wisdom of one intelligent woman have changed my life and inspired me to follow in her footsteps, helping whenever I can.

And my final, favourite Audrey Hepburn quote:
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'!

Ace of Hearts Accessories Stitching Up Beginnings

Ace of Hearts Accessories humble owner and bow maker, Cailey, describes her online store as a "place to find adorable handmade hair bows and earrings of characters, because it makes me happy". Arguably, there isn't a better reason to start any thing in this life!

A brief selection of the types of bows Cailey currently has in stock at Ace of Hearts Accessories.

Cailey, 23, lives in Sydney with her partner and their collection of comic books. When I asked her to describe herself, the inner ramblings of a truly modest woman responded with "cats" and "Disney". While she may not be sure how exactly to summarise herself, what she knows for sure is that she is happy.

It all began when on a whim months back Cailey bought a sewing machine after buying many products bought from retailers like Diva, Equip and other online stores only to have witness them "fall apart in my hands after only one wear". She thought to herself, "I can do a better job," and before she knew it, she was selling handmade bows all around the world.

"I was gob smacked," says Cailey, "I couldn't believe the ridiculous mark-up on especially flower-stud earrings in Australia and after some research just decided to do it myself".

One of many of Cailey's superhero bows, this one featuring
Spiderman and Captain America.
While she had trouble at first getting the hang of it, making bows was almost therapeutic for her. She explains, "I wanted to create something, to be productive...Once I started doing it, I just wanted to keep doing the activity." Having been diagnosed with social phobia when she was 18, Cailey has found bow making her own creative outlet, and says the most important thing to stay in control is to "just be occupied".

A lot of the things she stocks in her store are simply things she wanted for herself, so bought the materials and made them (plus a few dozen extras, just in case there were like-minded people somewhere in the world). And she believes honesty and trust is key - posting pictures of the packs of all her bows so you can see the stitching, whether she used a hot glue gun, or what type of pin the bow is attached to, to ensure you see EXACTLY what you are buying.

Her real fun comes in sourcing fabrics and following the trends - if you look at her page now, you'll notice a collection of Superhero bows, completely fitting for all the superhero action films being released this year. She stocks all types of pop-culture related accessories, from Marvel to My Little Pony and is hoping to incorporate her customers further in the future with taking requests.

And it's not all just a hobby to her. Cailey has recently listed some adorable hair pins with rainbow hearts (pictured above) at $3.00 a pair, with all proceeds being donated to Australian Marriage Equality to support LGBTI marriage rights here in Australia.

Sarah (pictured left with the Rose hair bow), her cousin and model, volunteers her time to help Cailey with the endeavour, and since she's stepped on board Cailey's page views have grown thanks to a different way to display the bows, and her magic smile.

Even though she is on her journey to fullfil her dream of becoming a florist (weddings in particular), it's a long journey that will take plenty of time. Cailey is happy moving one step forward and hopes to expand her small business even further. At the moment she is in the process of mastering bow ties, although they are a lot trickier and require more fabric, however the concept of Thor and Spiderman bow ties is no doubt something that will be in hot demand!

As a returning customer of Ace of Hearts Accessories, it is no doubt that they are good quality, value for money and most importantly, made with love. What more do you need? Go and buy one already! ;)

 Her online store:
 Her blog: