Tuesday 10 April 2012

3 Cheers for QPS...

If you've managed to find yourself under a rock, and missed what happened this Easter long weekend in Brisbane, let me fill you in.

  • Sunday night in Zillmere 4 men fled in a stolen vehicle and were followed by police
  • The driver charged through a police road block and towards an officer causing shots to be fired with 1 man injured with a shot to the leg
  • All 4 were arrested
  • Monday morning a Brisbane task force named "Taskforce Kilo Perpetual" was launched as the 4 men were part of a wanted 30 for over 190 offenses in the past 4 months
  • Approx 2 hours later, 2 stolen cars became part of an over 2 hour long car chase across Brisbane City, tracked by Seven, Nine and Ten news helicopters to assist police
  • After successful use of road spikes, the cars came to a stop at a Shopping center, leading 7 young men ages 13 to 19 to be arrested.
  • The man who drove towards the police on Sunday night has since been charged with attempted murder and the other men face a variety of punishable offences ranging from 14 years to life if found guilty in the coming days.
Police arresting a suspect at Mt Ommaney shopping center Monday afternoon.
Picture: Glen Barnes. Source: Courier Mail
I have had a few thoughts racing through my head since this has unfolded and I sat in front of my television, while constantly refreshing twitter to learn the news as it happen. The first, of course, is how absolutely AMAZING it is that we have the news literally as it happens. If you have read any of my other blog posts, you're probably aware by now that I have a love-hate relationship with the media...

Well, today my friend, is one of love. And for many reasons...

For one, QLD Police only recently received their first helicopter, based on the Gold Coast. In moments like these (no matter how rare they are) this does seem like a minor oversight. Without the commercial media's use of helicopters tracking the separate cars and relaying the information to the police, catching the cars would have been, lets just say - much more tedious

The news was literally instantaneous. I was able to receive a tweet from someone at ABC, and next thing I know, the information is being relayed over my television set with images to match. The power of social media, web 3.0 and the media making use of such powerful tools created a huge awareness of what was going on, to further assist in bringing justice.

As for Zillmere, I did notice over the past few nights odd police behavior along Zillmere Road (which happens to be where I live, with lovely windows looking right over onto the street). My partner and I had had conversations about 'what are they up to?' and 'who are they going to catch?' only to be out maneuvered by clever police tactics and precautions. Heck, I felt safe in my own suburb when literally meters away road blocks were being set up, of which we knew nothing about until reported on the media. The Queensland Police have again reinforced why I feel safe somewhere where others might be quick to judge for a suburb that is currently in the news for some very serious crimes. Not a single person was injured, other than those committing crimes and resisting arrest, and in the end, the bad guys got caught. Not one alarm bell in my head went off...but I still like to think I am savvy and noticing their odd driving behaviors makes me in the loop ;) who knows, I could be a crime reporter yet!
QUEENSLAND POLICE - 9999999999999999999....

Well done, QPS! For now I know I am safe, and my faith in Australian Media (at the very least) has been restored.
Plus, I like to imagine some 'The Raid'-esk moves going down in some apartment building near by....you never know!

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