Tuesday 3 April 2012

'The Raid' Rampage

The story is exactly as the name suggests: about a raid. A raid on one of the biggest drug lords of Jakarta. Like any good action story, there is always more to it then meets the eye. I will avoid spoilers, as I strongly urge everyone to see this film. 

Deep in Jakarta slums, an apartment building stands as a safe house for some of the cities worst murders, criminals and gangsters. The notorious crime lord who runs the building, Tama Riyandi, is considered untouchable - even by the police. The story focuses on the perspective of rookie officer Rama (Iko Uwais) and the 20 man SWAT team sent in with 1 mission - to take Riyandi down. Of course, Ruyandi is aware of their presence and announces anyone who helps to kill the SWAT team will become a "Permanent resident. Rent free". And so it begins...

While you may have the ability to guess some of what is coming around the corner, you’ll get flanked by what creeps behind you around another. Let’s just say, it’s not a classic “good guys vs. bad guys” film. Add in some commentary on corruption in Jakarta, and and you've got a well constructed bloody massacre of extremely talented martial artists.

Iko Uwais (left) in action
As foreign films go, you don’t even realise this is one. The fast paced story makes for one with little dialogue and incredibly acting portraying a story through incredibly emotional expressions. The choreography is almost like ballet, each punch and kick completely mastered and you can only think that you do NOT want to get on the bad side of either team. You become enchanted with the movements and the creation of truly unique deaths on screen that the whole cinema is cringing in their seats.

You'll go home enchanted and terrified at the same time, and a part of you will always want to keep an axe handy, just in case. 

A wonderful simple yet highly visual story well deserving of 4/5 stars.

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