Thursday 5 April 2012

Factual Story Telling - Sound

Lecture Week 5 - 26/3/12

Now, listen here!
"Radio is a much more intimate medium" 

I never thought much of radio. I was never one to listen to much radio. I tried pod-casts on my iPod, but never had the time to focus on the conversation, and conversation is what sets is apart from other means of reporting. 

I must admit upfront, while listening to our sound lecture I did have troubles being "genuinely interested" in the whole thing that was reiterated as being a hugely important thing in radio journalism. I often found myself wandering on to other web pages, or checking my twitter to see what was happening in the world instantly. Basically, I have been brought up in a world of instant social networking where when I think of something I can Google it.

However what I did learn was the often calm and relaxed mood of a radio interview in comparison to print or television (in most cases) via the use of humour and trying to make them act like a "normal human being". This is possibly why radio is able to withstand the changing technology and the power of downloading a pod-cast, because it is so informal and casual in comparison. For all I know, you could be sitting in your underpants drinking coffee talking into the microphone...But maybe that is just my imagination running away with me.

My favourite part was the closure of the interviews - "if you really want it, don't give up."

I managed to get to the end of the interview, and while my mind has been opened, I'm still not sure I am one to listen to radio...

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