Tuesday 12 June 2012

Exam exhaustion!

It's been a while since I have had my last exam in REAL exam conditions, since I sat my HSC in the gymnasium of rival High School back home in Coffs Harbour. Today was my first university exam and while the test conditions were more or less the same, the exhaustion afterwards was so different.

Now, while I'm sure this vary's person to person, or course to course, finishing my exam right on the clock today had nothing like the relief of walking out of the HSC never having to look back. Instead, I sat exhausted, overwhelmed to have finished a course, but completely terrified at thinking that the follow on courses I am enrolled in for next semester are not only going to draw on what I've just learnt, but the course material is going to get harder.

Today is just the start of a whole lot more of something!

I think it's about time I look into some more exercise and diet plans to keep myself a little bit more fit, so exhaustion doesn't get the better of me.
Tomorrow night, I will celebrate with one glass of wine!

But for now, time to catch up on JOUR1111 blog post reports...

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