Wednesday 13 June 2012

Investigative Journalism

Lecture Week 12 - 12/05/12

Change the world, one truth at a time.

Since I decided as a 13 year old naive girl who finished reading her first Hunter Thompson novel that I wanted to become a journalist, investigative journalism has been my hearts desire. The lecture on Investigative Journalism opened on a really interesting thought - that most good journalism is, or should be, investigative journalism. I couldn't agree more!

For those who aren't familiar with investigative journalism (and, lets face it, Today Tonight and A Current Affair have altered a mass nations perception of true investigative journalism), investigative journalism is about discovering the truth and identifying the lapses from it, and exposing what someone somewhere wants to suppress. Journalists however need to use innovative and reliable methods and traits to pursue these stories:
The purpose of investigative journalism is to use critical thought, be custodians of conscience, a voice for those without one and act as a fourth estate or a Government "watchdog" to protect and serve the population (minus weapons and force).

A huge trait is we need to be as journalists skeptical NOT cynical! In my opinion, this is where commerical media companies like ACA and TT fail at providing for the people. Ethics ALWAYS  matter in journalism.

The truth of the matter is whether you're looking at Julian Assange and Wikileaks, or the author of this wonderful article regarding homophobia and Gloria Jeans, investigative journalism has the power to change the world.

1 comment:

  1. Skeptical vs cynical - a critical distinction and a well made one!
